About Us



Welcome to Bee Creek UMC

Our mission is to be a community where imperfect people are transformed by the perfect love of God and change the world together.

To accomplish our mission, we embrace seven core values centered around one statement:

We believe.

We believe God is love.

We have come to know and trust the love God has for us. God is love… I John 4:16

We believe God loves us all.

To us, the greatest demonstration of God’s love has been the giving of the One and Only Son, Jesus, to the world that we may have life through him. Jesus makes it clear that he came so that the world would have eternal, abundant life through him and all people would be raised up with him.

This is real love, that God loved us first and sent Jesus to make personal atonement for our sins. If God loved all of us as much as that, surely we, in our turn, should love all people! (See John 3:16; 12:32 and I John 4)

We believe worship doesn’t have to be boring.

  • All of you, on your feet now — make a joyful noise to God!
  • Bring a gift of laughter,
  • sing yourselves into God’s presence.
  • Make yourselves at home, talking praise.
  • Thank God. Worship God. (from Psalm 100, The Message)

Worship draws us near to God and each other. It’s an opportunity for us to celebrate and give thanks for God’s love. Our style is relaxed and casual; you’ll see just as many flip-flops as dress shoes. Come just as you are.

We believe that children matter.

Children are important. So important, in fact, that Jesus said, “Let the children come to me…the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these” (Matthew 19:14, The Inclusive Bible). We want all children to discover that God loves them — and so do we!

Children’s church and nursery are available at all services.

We believe youth lead.

We believe that the youth are not just the church’s future, but current leaders as well. We learn from them and seek to help them learn how faith in God impacts daily life.

We strive to provide them with a strong spiritual foundation they will need as they transition from children to adults.

We believe that we all need good friends.

Life is hard. At Bee Creek UMC we aren’t trying to go it alone. In a highly fractured society, we have a deep need for meaningful community. Our adult ministry is all about relationships. We believe these relationships happen when we seek to deepen our faith through study, fellowship, and outreach into the greater community — together.

And though it’s radical, we truly and deeply believe:

We can change the world.

We believe that as a community of imperfect people, we are transformed by the perfect love of God. This transformation allows us to make a substantial difference — not just in one life — but with a world in need.

As those who are transformed, we have a desire to put our faith into action. We know you do, too. We have missional opportunities for all ages that help us share our resources with others.

Through us, God is changing the world.

Our Purpose

Our purpose as a church is to love God and love people — all people. We are a church willing to do anything and everything to share the love of God with anyone and everyone.

Our History

Bee Creek UMC was first begun in June of 2002. We have gone from a “mobile church,” to a rented facility, to our own campus. But regardless of where we’ve met, there has always been one overriding goal: to open the door for people to experience the transformational power of Jesus Christ.

Join us; this is church, as you’ve never seen it before.

About John Wesley

John Wesley, the founder of the Methodist movement, was a visionary leader whose passion for spiritual renewal and social justice laid the foundation for the United Methodist Church.

In the 18th century, Wesley’s emphasis on personal holiness, community service, and a deep relationship with God inspired countless individuals to live out their faith in practical ways.

His commitment to preaching, education, and outreach continues to influence our mission at Bee Creek UMC, guiding us to nurture a vibrant, inclusive community that embodies Wesley’s ideals of love, grace, and service.

BCUMC Gallery

These photographs show some of the people, activities, and places on our beautiful campus. Come join us.

We know how much God loves us, and we have put our trust in his love. God is love, and all who live in love live in God, and God lives in them.

1 John 4:16