Children & Youth



Bee Creek offers a variety of programs and activities designed to engage children and youth in a fun, faith-based environment. The church is committed to nurturing the spiritual growth of young people, providing opportunities for learning, fellowship, and service.

For us, service starts at a young age. Children and youth of Bee Creek UMC participate in and even lead the church in outreach. From working in the garden, helping collect school supplies, and making cards for nursing home residents, our goal is to teach kids how they can make a difference.

Nursery services are available during the church service. Our Nursery is in Cabin Two and is for newborns to four-year-old’s.

Upcoming Events

  • Partners In Hope Workday
  • October 19 from 8:00am – 12:00pm
  • All ages welcome. Get more information and sign up here.
  • Halloween Parents’ Night Out
  • October 26 from 6:00pm – 9:00pm
  • For kids K-5th grade. Get more information and sign up here.
  • Youth Group Pumpkin Chunkin’
  • Sunday, November 3 from 4:00pm – 7:30pm
  • For youth grades 6 – 12. Join us for the Austin-wide Youth Group Pumpkin Chunkin’ at First UMC, Austin! We will meet up at the church and carpool down to First UMC at 4pm. Youth will return to the Bee Creek UMC at 7:30pm. Activities will include Pumpkin Chunkin’ (chunking pumpkins off the roof of their 6-story parking garage), capture the pumpkin, pie eating contest, yard games, and a pizza dinner.
  • Christmas Party
  • Sunday, December 15 from 5:00pm – 7:00pm
  • For youth grades 6 – 12. Join us in the youth room for our annual Youth Christmas Party! We will eat dinner, do crafts, and a white elephant gift exchange ($10 price limit).
  • Youth Midwinter Retreat at Highland Lakes Camp
  • January 17 at 7:00pm – January 19 at 10:15am
  • For youth grades 6 – 12. Get more information and sign up here.

For questions or more information about any of these events email Kathy McKinney.

Children’s Ministry

As we grow our children’s and youth ministries, we are taking an intergenerational approach on Sunday mornings. Children ages 4 through 5th grade are invited to children’s worship for our Godly Play program.

Youth grades 6 thru 12 are invited to take part in the lesson and help with the younger children, one of the ways youth lead at Bee Creek UMC.

Godly Play offers a variety of activities to appeal to both quieter and more active children. In an atmosphere of acceptance, the leaders present engaging lessons and teach in ways that relate to children.

The Godly Play program helps make meaning through story, wonder, and play. The spiritual lives of all who participate are nurtured as they explore the mystery of God’s presence. We encourage questions and seek to help children move beyond easy answers to discover how biblical truths apply to daily life.

Each aspect of Sunday morning is carefully planned to teach Biblical truths in ways that children can understand, remember, and put into practice. We want them to discover that God loves them — and so do we.

Sunday School: Age-appropriate classes for children that include Bible stories, crafts, and interactive activities to help them learn about God’s love in a fun and engaging way.

Vacation Bible School (VBS): A fun-filled week during the summer where children participate in themed activities, Bible lessons, games, and crafts, building friendships and deepening their faith.

Special Events: Throughout the year, BCUMC hosts events such as Easter egg hunts, Christmas pageants, sporting events, and family movie nights that bring families together and create lasting memories.

Children’s activities are for ages 4 through fifth grade.

Youth Ministry

We believe that the youth are not just the church’s future, but current leaders as well. We learn from them and seek to help them learn how faith in God impacts daily life. We strive to provide them with the strong spiritual foundation they will need as they transition from children to adults.

On Sunday mornings, youth help lead the children in our Godly Play program. In an atmosphere of acceptance, they help present engaging lessons for children. Their spiritual lives are nurtured as they explore the mystery of God’s presence along with the children and adults.

Other activities give youth opportunities to lead, reach out to the community, and deepen ties with other youth. Special events bring youth and families together for fellowship. Retreats, lock-ins, and outreach projects challenge students to grow spiritually and make a difference in their world.

Youth Group: Middle and high school students gather for weekly meetings that include Bible study, discussions, and activities aimed at helping them grow in their faith and navigate life’s challenges.

Mission Trips: Students can participate in mission trips, serving communities in need, both locally and beyond. These trips are designed to build character, foster teamwork, and deepen spiritual understanding.

Community Service: Youth serve! Bee Creek UMC is now a Presidential Volunteer Award Certifying Organization. Youth who keep track of their volunteer hours can receive the Presidential Service Award. Please email Kathy McKinney for more information.

Retreats: BCUMC offers retreats and camps where students can connect with God and each other in a more focused and immersive setting, often involving outdoor activities, worship sessions, and group discussions.

Confirmation Classes: Designed for older students, these classes prepare young people to affirm their faith and become full members of the church. The program includes teaching, mentorship, and spiritual reflection. Confirmation is held in the spring and is open to middle school age and up.

Youth activities are for grades 6-12.

Bee Creek UMC is dedicated to creating a safe, loving, and engaging environment where children and youth can explore their faith, make friends, and build a strong foundation for their spiritual journey.

The Godly Play Program

The Godly Play method is a curriculum of spiritual practice exploring the mystery of God’s presence in our lives.

The Godly Play curriculum engages what is most exciting about religious education: God inviting us into — and pursuing us in the midst of — Scripture and spiritual experience. Godly Play practice teaches us to listen for God and to make authentic and creative responses to God’s call in our lives.

  • Godly Play is a creative, imaginative approach to Christian formation and spiritual guidance.
  • Godly Play has a Montessori foundation with 40+ years of research and practice.
  • Godly Play values process, openness, discovery, community, and relationships.
  • Godly Play models the worship life, stories, symbols, and rituals of Christian congregations.
  • Godly Play allows practitioners to make relevant and personal theological meaning.
  • Godly Play nurtures participants to larger dimensions of belief and faith through wondering and play.

Volunteers are Always Welcome

Sunday mornings are an active time in our children’s ministry. We have many opportunities for you to be involved.

If you would like to teach children’s church, each lesson is designed to be easy for teachers to translate. If assisting is up your alley, come dive into the fun.

If crawling on the floor with babies sounds fun, nursery may be calling your name. Whatever your gift, come share it with God’s children.

Please email Kathy McKinney for more information about volunteering and Safe Gatherings training.

Safe Gatherings

All adult volunteers are trained through Safe Gatherings. Safe Gatherings performs a background check, and each volunteer takes mandatory training class on how to keep children safe and recognize signs of abuse.

Per Safe Gatherings protocol, there are always at least two adults present for activities involving children.

Children & Youth Gallery

These photographs show some of the children and youth, and their activities and adventures on our beautiful campus, and in our community. Come join us.

Let the children come to me, and do not stop them, for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs.

Matthew 19:14