
Come just as you are. Our worship is relaxed and informal while still embracing the doctrine and traditions of our faith. You’ll hear new songs and timeless hymns sung in new ways.
Join us each week as we gather to celebrate God’s love through heartfelt music, inspiring sermons, and the warmth of fellowship.
Bee Creek UMC is more than a place of worship — it’s a vibrant community where faith comes alive. Our church is dedicated to nurturing your spiritual journey through meaningful worship and sacred communion.
Engage in Uplifting Worship
We worship at 11am on Sunday mornings.
First Sundays are a special time as we gather to share common meals. Jesus invites us to the table for holy communion during the service and we stay for potluck after worship. These are days filled with a sense of community as we celebrate the presence of Jesus among us. There’s a feeling of joy and lots of laughter.
- Holy Communion
- As United Methodists, we believe holy communion is an outward sign of an inward grace, a pathway for God to extend love and unmerited favor to us. We participate in the sacrament of holy communion so we might be sustained for our journey of salvation and wholeness.
The table is never a barrier to God’s grace. All are welcome, including children, those unable to respond for themselves, and non-baptized persons who respond to the invitation in faith. “Christ our Lord invites to his table all who love him, who earnestly repent of their sin and seek to live in peace with one another.”
We would love the opportunity to discuss baptism with anyone who is seeking to make this commitment.
If you want to learn more about the way we think about the Sacraments (Communion and Baptism) in the United Methodist Church these are a couple of great resources: This Holy Mystery and By Water and the Spirit.
- First Sunday Potluck
- After worship on first Sundays we gather for potluck. It’s another opportunity for us to gather around the table and share our stories. Potlucks are a great way to get to know others.
- Children are Always Welcome
- Early in the service we gather together for music and a children’s message. The children are then dismissed to go for Children’s Worship. The children’s message is most often the best part of the service, since you never know what they will say. We believe children matter.
Inspiring Music Worship
Music is an important element of worship for many, whether contributing as a musician on Sunday mornings, singing together in the congregation, or just actively listening and enjoying gifts from God.
We believe music can be a special means of communication and prayer between one another and with God. It can be that rare opportunity to simply be in the moment by worshiping, singing, and listening as one.
The Bible doesn’t have instructions on praising and playing music perfectly but rather says we should “make a joyful noise.” We certainly do that! We are imperfect people and God wants to hear our imperfect songs and voices.
Bee Creek UMC strives to make music available to all, adults and children alike. We welcome musical contributions and input from everyone.
We believe that God is present in music from all styles, from John Newton’s Amazing Grace to Bill Wither’s Lean On Me to the children’s song Jesus Loves Me. Music is a gift, and we believe God wants us to find meaning and joy in it.
If you have song selection ideas or would like to contribute as an instrumentalist or vocalist for services, please email our worship and music minister, Scott Calhoun. We’d love to have you and grow the musical family at Bee Creek UMC.
Join Us
We invite you to be a part of our vibrant worship services and communion gatherings. Whether you’re seeking spiritual growth, community, or simply a place to belong, Bee Creek UMC offers a warm and inviting space for you to explore your faith.
Worship services are Sundays at 11am.
Online Worship
If you can’t attend in-person you can always worship online. We live stream our services every Sunday and welcome you to join us wherever you are.
If you are curious about our past services or just can’t get enough of BCUMC, you can access an archive of our past services here.
Contact Us
For more information about our worship services, communion practices, or any other aspect of our ministry, please feel free to reach out to us. If you’d like to visit with the pastor or have someone from our team bring communion, or leave a prayer request we would love to hear from you. You are not alone.
We look forward to welcoming you into our community and sharing the joy of worship and communion together.
Worship Gallery
These photos show our inclusive worship sanctuary, our amazing musicians, and your future friends. Come join us.

Meanwhile, the moment we get tired in the waiting, God’s Spirit is right alongside helping us along. If we don’t know how or what to pray, it doesn’t matter. He does our praying in and for us, making prayer out of our wordless sighs, our aching groans.
Romans 8:26 (The Message)