
Jimmie “Scott” Calhoun

Worship and Music Ministry

What is your favorite bible verse? “For truly I tell you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you” (Matthew 17:20–21).

What are you passionate about? Music. I’m not passionate about it like a virtuoso but more that it’s just a different and cool way of communicating together. To me, harmony can be math, frequencies, and vibrations that simply the ears, the soul and the heart can calculate on their own and respond with a voice. I like cicada songs in the summer too.

What makes you smile? Animals, gardening, kids, jokes, music, beauty in the world. How does Moses make his coffee in the morning? He-brews it.

Bee Creek UMC is a community where imperfect people are transformed by the perfect love of God and change the world together. What does our mission mean to you? It means that we’re not perfect, but we try to be better with God’s help and that we try to better the world around us, both here in Spicewood and elsewhere like Austin, the Hill Country, San Antonio, Guatemala. To me it also means that we recognize our imperfect nature in an imperfect world and to “judge not, lest we be judged.” It might be harder sometimes but better to love thy neighbor as thyself than to judge.