Our Leadership



Our church leadership is diverse.

Each of these leaders is uniquely gifted to serve God in their own special way. We hope getting to know them will inspire you to find your place in leadership at Bee Creek UMC.


Emmaus Community Leader

What is your favorite bible verse? “Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable — if anything is excellent or praiseworthy — think about such things” (Philippians 4:8).

What do you like about BCUMC? The people of Bee Creek UMC. All shine the...


Board Member, Admin Volunteer

What is the best piece of advice anyone has ever given you? Give yourself grace.

What is your favorite bible verse? “He has told you, O man, what is good; And what does the Lord require of you Except to be just, and to love [and to diligently practice] kindness (compassion), And to walk humbly with your God [setting aside any overblown sense of importance or...


Prayer Chain Leader

What is your favorite bible verse? “We know that God works all things together for good for the ones who love God, for those who are called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28 CEB).

What is the best piece of advice anyone has ever given you? Don’t let anyone else be the ‘mirror’ for you to see your worth; look to the Lord and see it in...


Adult Small Group Leader

What do you like about BCUMC/Bee Loved? Both Natalie and Shelby grew up in Bee Loved. Their teachers were so warm and loving. The name Bee Loved is very appropriate.

What makes you smile? I look forward to the smiles I give and receive every Sunday morning from across the sanctuary. One smile gets contagious, and the entire...


Women’s Ministry Leader

  • What is your favorite bible verse?
  • “I will lift up my eyes to the hills —
  • From whence comes my help?
  • My help comes from the Lord
  • Who made heaven and earth.
  • He will not allow your foot to be moved;
  • He who keeps you will not slumber,
  • Behold, He who keeps Israel
  • Shall neither slumber nor sleep....

Board Member, Men’s Ministry Leader

What is the best piece of advice anyone has ever given you? My dad introducing me to the sport of golf and all of its unspoken lessons. And providing me with a strong example, without overdoing the advice thing.

What is your favorite bible verse? A tough one to single out. However, one of my favorites, that I used in my dad’s...


Design and Strategy

What is the best piece of advice anyone has ever given you? I don’t know if it’s truly the best piece of advice, but my dad told me “It’s better to be thought a fool then to open your mouth and remove all doubt.”

Name a role model who has inspired you in your career and why. My grandpa Lester Rabe was an Iowa farmer and didn’t go to school past the...



What is the best piece of advice anyone has ever given you? God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

Being an engineer, a program manager, and a military officer, there is a high propensity to want to be in charge and fix everything! Unfortunately, it is...


Board Member, Admin Volunteer

What is the best piece of advice anyone has ever given you? Let go and let God — stop worrying! I tend to try to solve unsolvable problems and try to tell God what I believe is the direction to go. God’s will is always much better than mine. When I give it to God and have that faith, it brings me so much comfort to know he is carrying that burden and my worry does nothing to...


Board Member, Hospitality

What is the best piece of advice anyone has ever given you? I have been surrounded by people with great advice so it’s hard to say. Maybe it’s “surround yourself with great advisors!”

Name a role model who has inspired you in your career and why. My best friend Melissa is a retired nonprofit professional, and as an executive...


Pastoral Care

Name a role model who has inspired you in your career and why. My mother who was very respected and successful at work, everyone called her Momma Crow. She was respected and honored by Senators, Governors and Lieutenant Governors for her dedication and abilities. She was as nice to the Governor as she was to the janitors. She never met a stranger.



Lay Leader, Certified Lay Minister

What do you like about BCUMC? It is hard to describe an atmosphere or feeling. With BCUMC however, you can sense the atmosphere of dedication to the teaching of Jesus to “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.” The second is this: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” At...


Board Chair

What do you like about BCUMC? What I love most about BCUMC is the sense of belonging I feel when I’m there. Every time I walk through those doors, it’s like coming home to family — where kindness, inclusion, and warmth are always waiting. The community is so genuine and caring; we share our joys, support each other through challenges, and grow together in faith. BCUMC has seen me through some of the...


Master Gardener

Share three words that your close friends would use to describe you. While I hope they would include words like kind, respectful, friend and honest, they are more likely to say garden, dogs, and scattered.

What makes you smile? Happiness makes me smile. When I see or feel happiness in others or personally, I have to smile.



Board Vice-Chair, Stephen Ministry Leader

Name a role model who has inspired you in your career and why. There are many supervisors who have changed my life. Sometimes, I tried to model myself after them. Others, I tried to change to not be like them.

What are you passionate about? Just about everything: religion, traveling, music, tennis, skiing, fishing, bird hunting and...


Women’s Ministry Leader, Admin Volunteer

What is a fact that most people don’t know about you? Most people that know me think that I am an extrovert. I am actually an introvert that fakes it well.

What are you passionate about? I am passionate about my dog, grandkids, fishing, crafting, shelling, and traveling with Jay in our R.V.

What makes you smile? Sunsets,...


Board Member

What is your favorite bible verse? Golden Rule Luke 6:31 “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” I remember my mother always reinforcing this in our childhood, and I believe it captures in the most simple manner God’s message of love to us. It is always on my mind.

What is a fact that most people don’t know about you? My...


Prayer Shawl Ministry

Share three words that your close friends would use to describe you. Social, caring, and creative (I asked a couple of friends).

What is your favorite bible verse? “Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer” (Romans 12:12).

What makes you smile? Positive people with positive...
