
Vonnie Howard

Board Member, Admin Volunteer

What is the best piece of advice anyone has ever given you? Let go and let God — stop worrying! I tend to try to solve unsolvable problems and try to tell God what I believe is the direction to go. God’s will is always much better than mine. When I give it to God and have that faith, it brings me so much comfort to know he is carrying that burden and my worry does nothing to help.

What do you like about BCUMC? We passed the sign for BCUMC along Bee Creek back in 2013. When I went to the website and saw the mission statement, I wanted to come check this church out. From that first visit back in 2013, when we were actually still living in Dallas, I have loved this sweet little church. The welcoming and kind people, the messages of hope and the amazing things that are being done for the community here and beyond are a few of the reasons this church means so much to me.

What is your favorite bible verse? “Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light” (Matthew 11:28-30 NIV).

Bee Creek UMC is a community where imperfect people are transformed by the perfect love of God and change the world together. What does our mission mean to you? I am the Imperfect Poster Child — so it is comforting to know I am accepted as I am and am a part of this wonderful community of people growing, learning, and together, trying to improve the world around us!