
Marisol Butler

Three’s 4-Day Lead Teacher and Spanish Teacher

What is the best piece of advice anyone has ever given you? Don’t take anything personal. Try and see things from others’ perspective. Always give others the benefit of the doubt.

What do you like about teaching at Bee Loved? The friendly staff.

What do you like about working with children? They are little people with big personalities. They are unfiltered.

What makes you smile? Seeing the progress one year at Bee Loved preschool can make in a child’s life.

Our mission is to provide the children in our community with a loving Christian setting; to offer a nurturing and encouraging environment; to guide children in learning about themselves, the world and God’s love; to build children’s self-esteem; and to see children, not as they are now, but as what they can become. What does our mission mean to you? As an educator, it means interacting with children in a kind and loving manner, to foster healthy, positive relationships with them so that they may thrive and grow and be who God created them to be.